Do Dermals Leave Holes? (Avoid Risk)
If you are considering getting a dermal piercing, also known as a microdermal or surface anchor, you may be wondering whether they leave holes after removal.
In this article, we will answer this question and provide you with all the information you need to know before getting a dermal piercing.
What Are Dermal Piercings?
Dermal piercings are a type of body piercing that involves inserting an anchor beneath the skin, with a visible piece of jewelry sitting on the surface.
Unlike traditional piercings that pass through a single area of skin, dermals are anchored in place by a flat, plate-like base that sits beneath the surface of the skin. They can be placed in various areas of the body, such as the chest, back, or face.
Do Dermal Piercings Leave Holes?
One of the most common concerns people have about dermal piercings is whether they leave holes after removal.
The answer to this question is yes, they can leave holes.
When a dermal piercing is removed, it is typically done by unscrewing the visible piece of jewelry from the anchor beneath the skin.
However, because the anchor is embedded in the skin, it may leave a small hole or scar tissue behind after removal.
The size and visibility of the hole or scar tissue will vary depending on the individual and the location of the piercing.
It is worth noting that leaving a dermal piercing in place for an extended period of time can increase the likelihood of scarring.
If you are considering getting a dermal piercing, it is important to keep in mind that it is a long-term commitment and removal may result in some scarring.
How to Minimize Scarring
If you are concerned about scarring from a dermal piercing, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the risk.
First, it is important to choose an experienced piercer who can properly place the piercing in a location that is less likely to leave visible scarring.
Additionally, proper aftercare is essential to prevent infection and promote healing.
Your piercer will likely provide you with detailed aftercare instructions, which may include cleaning the piercing with saline solution and avoiding certain activities, such as swimming or exposing the piercing to excessive heat.
If you do decide to remove your dermal piercing, it is important to do so carefully to minimize scarring. We recommend seeking the assistance of a professional piercer to remove the jewelry and anchor safely.
In conclusion, dermal piercings can leave holes or scarring after removal. However, with proper placement and aftercare, you can minimize the risk of scarring.
If you are considering getting a dermal piercing, it is important to understand the potential risks and commit to proper aftercare to promote healing and prevent infection.
Yes, dermal piercings can leave a scar when removed. The amount of scarring depends on the sensitivity of the skin and how the piercing is removed. There are ways to reduce scarring, but generally, some form of scarring will occur.
The risks associated with dermal piercings include tissue damage, skin infection, irregular scarring, hyper granulation, displacement, and premature rejection. Back dermals have a higher risk of complications due to their location.
The risk of premature rejection with dermal piercings is higher than with other types of piercings due to their shallow penetration. Signs of rejection include pain, infection, scarring, allergies, and migration of the piercing. To reduce the risk of rejection, it is important to use high-quality jewelry and proper piercing technique.